Thursday, March 12, 2009

living in yesterday

I heard something on the radio today, "don't live in yesterday". That is something I always struggle with. I go on facebook and myspace and I make contacts with old friends, some of them girls. I think about those relationships and "where the relationship went wrong". I know where and why they went wrong. It is because they were suppose to go wrong. Because if they went right then I would not be where I am now. I struggle everyday with finances, work, school, and raising teenagers, but I would not trade it for the world. The way I would like to "think about yesterday" is to make for a better tomorrow. I reflect on my previous blog and I attempt to have regular contact with these old friends and I know we are busy, but a quick line does not hurt or take up much time. Maybe, it is because I do not have that many friends to have regular contact with that I feel like this. Also, I set a new goal, to be on The Apprentice with Donald Trump!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Loosing Friends

I entitle this blog "loosing friends" because I have recently lost a friend. No, that friend did not pass away or move. This friend is half way across the country to begin with. I have known this person for about 7 years, granted it has not been continuous. We have been keeping in touch with emails and texting, maybe 2-3 times a week. This past week I text this person, nothing serious, but I get reply that says "Please do not contact me anymore". I replied with an "are you serious?". This person was serious. I asked for an explanation, but no reply. I can think of numerous reasons why this person would do this, but I have to leave it at that. I can not think of any thing that I may have done wrong, but who knows.
This got me thinking of all the friends that I have lost contact with. We live in a world that it could not be any easier to keep in contact, i.e. myspace, facebook, email, texting, and last time I checked the post office still delivers mail. I try to do what I can to keep in contact with people. Sometimes I slack, sometimes I take initiative. I mean, "everybody" has a cell phone. It is hard to tell if people just does not like you or they are "too busy". Life is about family an friends and how hard is it to keep in contact or let them know why you can not or do not keep in touch.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Its been a while

I looked at the date and realized that it has been almost 6 months since I have posted anything. I am watching that show Ghost Hunters. This show is awesome, because they use the phrase de-bunk. De-bunk is a funny word. Watching TV shows online is the best thing ever. I don't have much to say since I don't know who reads this.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Small World

It is a small world out there. The other day I went on exchanges with the missionaries. I was talking to them and telling mission stories. I said I served north of Los Angeles. One of the Elders said "it isn't near Arcadia, is it?" I said that is exactly where it is. He said "I have a sister that served there, what years did you serve there?" I said "2000-2002". He said "that is when my sister served." I looked at his name tag and it said Elder Hamilton. I said "is Marianne your sister?", and he said "yes". So the Elder currently serving in my ward, which he is from SLC, UT, is the brother of a sister missionary from my mission 6 years ago. Man, it has been 6 years, sometimes it feels longer, sometimes shorter. In relation to a small world and missions. I was talking to a buddy in my ward and his last name is Steimle. I said there was and apartment in my mission that was named the Steimle Pad. He said "that is my great uncle!" Plus the uncle served as a mission president in Argentina the same years my wife was serving in Argentina, not the same mission, but close enough.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Funny event

So, I was driving in my work van the other day and I heard a train horn. I was nowhere near railroad tracks. Anyway, I continued on my way. There was actually couple making out on the sidewalk. How often does someone see that! This white chevy truck that was right in front of me pulled closer to the sidewalk and apparently this truck had a flippin train horn. The truck's horn went off and scared the nothings out of this couple. It couldn't have been setup more perfect and one of the funniest things I have witnessed.

Blog or else!

This is a test post!